Friday, April 24, 2009

Can we stop talking about that now?

This is a follow up remark to Braden's "I have to work on it" story.

Tonight I asked him to grab a pullup and get ready for bed. He replied with, "when can I stop wearing pullups?" and I replied with, "whenever you stop peeing in your bed at night" where he then replied with and in a very annoyed tone of voice, "can we stop talking about that now?" Ha! A 3 year old putting the kabash on the whole peeing in his bed subject, too funny!!!

To see it through their eyes...

It's Mine Now...

This morning while helping Jackson put on his clothes for school I pulled out a long sleeved shirt that used to be Braden's that had a big basketball on it. Braden immediately saw the shirt and said in a somber tone,"that's mine!" That's when Jackson puffed out his chest (like hurry, put it on me NOW before he grabs it) and with a big smile and raspy Jackson voice replied to Braden, "IT'S MINE NOW!" Like, heh heh, I got something you want but CANNOT have!

The brotherly love and competition we witness on a daily basis! Gotta love it.

To see it through their eyes...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Cute vs Handsome

Mommy: "Braden you are so cute"

Braden: "I'm not cute, I'm handsome"

Braden: "Boys are not cute, girls are cute and boys are handsome"

There you have it folks. Don't call Braden Mekki Meyer cute anymore or you'll get SCHOOLED!

To see it through their eyes...


Costco or Hostco (as Braden and Jackson pronounce it)-better known as our second home or third highest monthly expense in our lives aside from mortgage and daycare. We buy all of our diapers, wipes and formula at Costco, that alone can explain our monthly bill! Anyone that knows us knows that we are at Costco A LOT!

Tonight I told the boys that we were going to Costco when Daddy got home and Braden proceeded to ask me, "Mommy, can you bring some wipes from the diaper bag so I can poop at Costco?" I then followed with, "no, you can poop at home, we have plenty of time, there is no need to poop at Costco." Braden then replies with, "but I only have one poop." So he was going to save his one poop for the Costco bathroom and not ours? Unbelievable!!!

To see it through their eyes...

I have to work on it.

Braden is 99.9% potty trained, however we still have some hiccups at night with him wetting the bed. Unfortunately we hit a rough patch just recently and Mike and I decided to put Braden back in pullups for bedtime. Of course, Braden DOES NOT like this new rule and has tried negotiating his way out of it just about every night lately.

Mike made a bargain with Braden and told him that if he had a dry pullup for 5 nights in a row he could start wearing big boy underwear again. It has been about 3 nights so far and Braden has been waking up proud as a peacock running into our room with his pullup in hand screaming, "I have a dry pullup, SMELL IT!!!"...ewwww, smell it? Gross. Anyway, I digress. Mike and I have been getting a little chuckle out of this little countdown. I ended up having to go out of town for work and picked up the kids from Grandma and Grandpa's. I was trying to get the scoop from the kids on how their night was with Daddy and their day at school, etc. I asked Braden if he had a dry pullup that morning and he took a deep breath and told me, "I have to work on it."

Holy cow, I was dying inside. "I have to work on it"? God I love this kid!

To see it through their eyes...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Don't worry about me...

Tonight while in the bathroom supervising the boys brushing their teeth Braden's stool started to slide and I held him while pushing it back. Braden proceeded to say, "mommy, don't worry about me." What? I was taken back by the fact that he even said that and immediately tried to reference where he got the word worry from and how he was able to use it in the right context. I quickly realized that Mike and I are always telling Braden not to worry about Jackson and to worry about himself.

I wanted so badly to tell him that I will be worrying about him, Jackson and Flynn for the rest of my life. That I never understood the true meaning of worry until the day he was born and nothing but worry flooded through me the second he was handed to me. His birth signified the day that I, Alicia Meyer, started to worry about someone other than myself and Mike. The reality of it did not resinate until tonight when Braden told me not to worry about him. Yet another realization coming from my 3 year old.

It's true, once you have children your perspective on life as you knew it has a whole different meaning and purpose. Worry is a new feeling that never seemed to be of concern for me. I think the act of worrying is now a permanent resident within, for as long as I have children on this earth, I will be constantly worrying.

To see it through their eyes...

Zone Defense

It's OFFICIAL, our strategy has been changed for life to ZONE DEFENSE!!!

According to Wikipedia, Zone defense is a type of defense used in sports which is the alternative to man-to-man defense; instead of each player guarding a corresponding player on the other team, each defensive player is given an area, or a "zone", to cover. A zone defense can be used in virtually all sports where a defending team is present.

If you haven't guessed it already, Flynn is CRAWLING! It has been a long time in the making and we have been anticipating this day for a while and for good reasons.

1. It marks a milestone that most babies hit.

2. Our little girl is going to be 9 months next week which means she is getting so big, too fast...especially since she is our last.

3. We now have to WORRY about where she is, what she is picking up off the floor (which the Lord only knows what fun stuff she'll find on our floors), and where she will be found!

4. She no longer will want to just sit and play. She is mobile now, there is no looking back. Aaaaaahhhh!

So, here's a clip of our little cutie pie making the jaunt from one end of the room to the next. I cannot believe we have 3 children ages 3 years, 2 years and 9 months who are all MOBILE!

Note to self: Count to 10, often.


To see it through their eyes...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy New Shoes

Braden loves when he gets a brand new pair of go fasters, flip flops, sandals, etc.. He loves to get new shoes so much he sings himself a little melody each and everytime a new pair is presented to him. It goes something like this and is sung to the tune of "Happy birthday, to you"...

Happy new shoes to me
Happy new shoes to me
Happy new shoes to me

Ridiculous seeing as he now has his brother in on the act!

To see it through their eyes...

Daddy, hurry up...

Today has been a great, but long day. We took the boys to soccer in the morning and ran a couple of errands afterwards. Came home, acted as a short order cook and made each person their own lunch. Braden wanted a "tuna sanwich", Jackson a "brown butter sammich" (peanut butter and jelly) and Flynn her butternut squash and avocado. We took the boys upstairs to put them down for naps in the hopes that they would sleep for a couple of hours so we could get some yard work done.

Not 10 minutes into starting our outdoor adventure, we looked inside and saw little bodies getting shoes and coats on. GAME naps for these little creatures means nastiness for the rest of the afternoon. Mind you, they are able to get to a certain point in the late afternoon as pleasant fun loving boys but right around 4pm is where the exhaustion REALLY SETS IN and their horns start to sprout. They just become little each other and to us.

This particular early evening it was Jackson's turn to just melt down. He did nothing but whine and cry until the second he fell asleep. Since we were out and about we decided to order pizza from one of the new take out places in town. Mike asked both boys if they wanted to go with him to pick up the pie and Braden of course replied that he was in. Jackson on the other hand continued to whine and cry about who knows what, that was Mike's clue to get the heck out while he could. As both Mike and Braden walked out towards the garage Braden tells Mike, "daddy, hurry up before Jackson decides to come".

Mike called me immediately to tell me what Braden said, laughing that it's not just us (Mike and I) that are tired of hearing Jackson's non-stop nonsense. Our three year old was ready to go crazy himself!!!

To see it through their eyes...

Monday, April 6, 2009

Dose yours, Mommy?

Anyone that knows Jackson these days knows that he likes to CRY about anything and EVERYTHING! His biggest thing lately is wanting to be picked up ALL THE TIME! With that, I find myself lugging him on one hip around the kitchen as I try to prepare dinner or around the house picking up, putting away or anything else that doesn't allow me to actually sit down.

I'm usually so consumed with the task at hand that I don't really realize that I actually have an extra 24 pounds attached to the left side of my body. One day I felt something on my boob and looked down to find Jackson's hand cupping it! I laughed and told him "those are mine, leave them alone!!!"

Wouldn't you know it, the next time I picked him up and was carrying him around for a while I noticed a sly, yet mischievous smile on his face. Not understanding why he looked that way I slowly followed my eyes down his arm and toward my BOOB, his hand was cupping it AGAIN!!! I looked back up at Jackson and heard, "dose yours, Mommy?"...what a little devil!!!

To see it through their eyes...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I'm the LOSER!

Mike and I had to go to parent teacher conferences at the kids daycare one Saturday morning so Aunt Mary and Uncle Bill came over to watch the kids. Braden talked them in to playing a board game that had no directions included (of course misplaced and probably sitting in one of Braden's MANY bags!). Since Aunt Mary and Uncle Bill did not know how to play the game Braden tried explaining the rules by telling them "Okay, I'm a winner, Flynn's a winner and Jackson is the loser." With that Jackson loudly and proudly screamed "I'm the LOSER!" like it was so much better than being the winner!!!

To see it through their eyes...