Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Daily drop offs

I am the lucky one that gets to drop off and pick up the kids to and from daycare most days of the week. All three kids have their own drop off styles and requirements:

1st to get dropped off is Jackson-room 2. Most of the time he just walks right in, no looking back. I usually have to beg him for at least a high five so I can get my blurb in, "be good, have a great day, I love you" He walks in with great confidence, his chest puffed out, waiting for the daily "Jackson is here" greeting from his teachers and friends.

2nd to get dropped off is Flynn-room 1/nursery. She has been attending daycare since she was 8 weeks old. She knows nothing else other than the same people she has been seeing for the past 8 months. No drama, just drop her off, give kisses and report the last feeding. When I turn to walk out and look back to see a smile on her face, I melt. She is my baby and her days in the "nursery" are coming to an end.

3rd to get dropped off is Braden-room 3. Before he can even step foot in the door he requires a minimum of 4 hugs and 4 kisses (his favorite number these days as he cannot wait to turn 4!). I always add 3 "bonus kisses" to make his smile go from ear to ear. He by far is the most emotional of all three in his goodbye. He is the watchful eye, making sure that his brother and sister are well. He gets to visit them throughout the day and "take note" of their behavior and surroundings so he can report not only what his day was like, but what Jackson and Flynn's day was like.

We have some emotional days and not so emotional days. All in all, the kids are very happy with their caregivers, as are we. We are super lucky to have such unique individuals to call our own that require their own signature departure rituals. I walk away each day just thanking my lucky stars to be a mom to such wonderful, well balanced children.

To see it through their eyes...

I love you, Daddy...I love you, Mommy!

Words spoken by Braden Meyer, almost daily now. It doesn't matter what kind of day either of us have had, how frustrated we might be, hearing those words spoken by a 3 year old all the time make life worth living and loving. Sometimes you need that little reminder, albeit from a 3 year old, to remind you that the simple things are most often the BEST THINGS. Hearing your own child tell you that they love you in the most enthusiastic, sincere way really goes a long way and can turn any bad day into the best day.

We have been super lucky to have these "best" kind of days everyday. How sweet it is!

To see it through their eyes...

You not nice...

In May we had the opportunity to take a couple of days off and head up North to Spooner, WI to visit Grandma and Grandpa over the Memorial Day weekend.

While there we went to a place called the Wilderness Walk. It's a zoo for Northwoods type animals. The boys and Mike were checking out the reindeer when one of the reindeer saw both the boys and pounced towards them like she was angry and trying to get them out of the area! Everyone was shocked at the behavior of the reindeer and sat staring in awe as she continued to run in a circle and then run forcefully toward the boys, with a fence between them, so as to scare them away. Finally Jackson took a few steps back and walked toward the fence and yelled, "you not nice go to time out!"

Now let me explain who "Dora" is. We have resident deer that live in our neighborhood. We have named one of the mama deer Dora. She frequents our yard and eats our tulips and any other rufage she can find. With that said, any and all deer we see the boys think it is Dora the deer!

It comes to find out that the poor reindeer was just trying to protect the baby she had just had earlier in the spring. From what we were told, after the reindeer had her baby a couple of kids were standing outside the fence antagonizing it. The reindeer was just taking care of her offspring and didn't want the little tikes to harm it.

Either way, Jackson was not happy with the reindeer's behavior and therefore kept telling it off by repeating "you not nice go to time out!"

To see it through their eyes...


Any mom or woman that doesn't shave after a few days starts to grow stubble on their legs, right? Or is it just me???

It was bedtime at the Meyer household and I was sitting in Jackson's toddler bed giving out my nightly hugs and kisses. I grabbed Braden and being goofy I wrapped my arms and legs around him and he pulled back immediately and motioned over my legs and said, "ouch Mommy, your legs..they have sparkles on them" Oh my goodness, I had the best belly laugh over that comment!!!

So now whenever I don't feel like shaving I think of Braden and remind myself that I need to get rid of my "sparkles".

To see it through their eyes...

Dat funny, Mommy?

Mike and I have no clue what to do with our little Jackson! Lately, when we pick up the kids we get reports from the teachers and Jackson himself that he was in the thinking chair sometime during that day. Ugh...seriously, the kid is 2 years old and already spending part of his day in the THINKING CHAIR?

One day I picked up the kids and got everyone buckled up and situated in their respective seats. I got back in the drivers seat, put the car in drive and asked my daily question, " was your day?" Jackson immediately shouted out in his raspy, yet squeaky voice, "I was in the tinking chair today, Mommy!" To which I replied, after a sigh, "why were you in the tinking chair today, Jackson?" His response was, "I tackled Devin, dat funny, Mommy? Ha ha" It took me a good minute of silent laughter, and thank GOD I was not face to face with him, to compose myself and respond that no it was not funny and that I didn't like that he was in the thinking chair for TACKLING someone!!!

To see it through their eyes...